In case of emergency

Holidays carry hopes of making good memories & there are some things you need to know to help ensure happy times & to keep yourself & others safe.

Our summer season is FIRE SEASON 🔥 & fires often start as small accidental ignitions. Please read on to learn about what is expected during your stay to help keep us all & our beautiful environment safe.

We have a TOTAL FIRE BAN. Fireworks & candles included.

This camp is fortunate to be situated within a truly gorgeous & precious stand of Kānuka bush & we are hemmed with pine forest, ripe with tinder for the flames. On the other side of these precious forests are people’s homes & thousands of precious people.

We’re also situated on the lake’s edge with one road in & one road out.

BBQs are a focal point. Braziers, smokers, charcoal BBQs & open gas burners are not permitted. Nor are gas heaters. ~ please use the facilities we’ve provided in the kitchen or BBQ areas.

Contained gas BBQs are permitted. Please check that the connection between the gas and the fuel line doesn’t leak. Find your nearest tap & always have a bucket available to cart water. Please keep looking when cooking. A moments distraction can do more than burn your sausage.

If you smoke, you risk creating a fire. Do not put burning cigarette butts in the bin. Ensure your smoke is completely out before disposing of out in the bin. Do not be a litter bug.

Staying in a caravan: we recommended you install smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher & ensure you know how to use it. Also ensure you have an escape plan, including an alternative exit. Keep a clear path to your door.

There are Fire Extinguishers at all of the Facility Blocks & in each of our accommodations. There is also a fire blanket at each of our kitchens. You may consider adding a small fire extinguisher to your camping kit.

Stay alert, if you see smoke, you are right to react. Don’t be shy, do not hesitate. Even a small fire can become a big fire in moments & every movement counts.

Please consider the consequences of your actions. ~ & please don’t be a silly sausage.

In the event of a fire emergency 🆘

  • Phone the fire service FIRE EMERGENCY NZ DIAL 111.
  • Our address is 197 Outlet RD &/or say “OUTLET CAMP WĀNAKA”.
  • If you need to move. MOVE. Alert camp management on 03 443 7478 ~ Leave a message if the phone isn’t answered.
  • Gather your companions & move resolutely & immediately TO THE LAKE FRONT, along main roads & clear routes.
  • Do not stop to collect gear or move your belongings.
  • Do not drive your vehicle & block roads.
  • Alert others along your way. Make your way along the beachfront to the EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY POINT at the BOAT RAMP ~ if it is dark there will be an emergency beacon at the Emergency Assembly point for you to locate the position.

If we become aware of an emergency you will hear our CAMP SIREN. This is the indication that you need to move with haste to the EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY POINT at the BOAT RAMP on the LAKEFRONT. A fire warden will arrive with a first aid kit & a register for you to register your group. Follow the instructions above, listen to your fire warden, look after your group, stay together & remain calm.

Thank you for reading this essential information. Please ensure you’ve looked at the camp maps & you’re aware of where the Emergency Assembly Point is & where your nearest exit to the Lakefront is. Show your chiddles where the Assembly Point is if you’re having a stroll at the beach.

Ensure there is at least one person in your group who can direct you IN CASE of EMERGENCY.

& Happy Days. X